For Labor day i decided to take a road trip to Uganda ,Kampala!! I know, am totally cool and spontaneous! Well, road trip is just a fancy way of saying i could not afford an air ticket so i opt to sit in a Matatu for close to twelve hours all in the name of travelling.
Knowing me you already have a rough idea of how hectic that trip turned out. It all started at our first stop over, i could not locate the car i was in since there were so many similar vehicles parked at the same place. I had to ask a random chic if she had seen me in the car she was in! I know,at times i can ask the dumbest questions . She just gave me a blank look and I walked away looking like a crazy woman.
Luckily i had made a friend out of my seatmate Jeremy who came to my rescue....which reminds me, he kept on speaking English with a funny accent and every time i tried to change the language to Swahili he'd look at me all weird....turns out he was, in his own words "Najeran" (Nigerian) not to sound stereotypical but, i find it a little fishy he was travelling to Eldoret for only a day to "visit"! Fishy huh? I know.... and i couldn't shake this feeling he was hiding something in his bag! He was a little bit too shifty if you ask me...
His extreme friendly nature....see where am heading? Not to point fingers but....
Yeah i plan on having sub headings for this long labor day blog.
So check this out, in order to cross the border, you have to get on a boda boda (public transport motorbikes) which is scary as hell! if you don't fall over the bridge you are probably thinking, "am getting hit by a transit" ....where would i tell my parents i was going?? Cause am sure they would not get the ,"i love living on the edge pops" excuse.
Why is it so hard to find a friendly person in government offices? I had a nasty encounter with a certain officer just because i said passport instead of permit. He threw around a few disheartening words making sure everyone in the line heard him! even my very forced smile could not get him to shut up. That turned out to be a little embarrassing.
I cant quite describe the feeling you get when you change your cash to Uganda shillings! It worked well to cheer me up....
An instant millionaire!!
First thing we decided to do in kampala was hit the club! My boyfriend(yes i have a boyfriend and no he is not imaginary) so my boyfriend recommends a certain club called Monalisa Royale, I am so excited to go clubbing in Uganda so first thing i do is 'check in' on Facebook. You know, let everyone know am getting drunk outside kenya.
We are charged 10000ugsh as entry fee since there is a certain performance going down and that just works to build up my excitement. I am all charged up and ready to hit the floor.... i even order local beer called Bell all in the spirit of Uganda.
The MC stops the music and starts talking in Buganda....i don't get what he is saying but i can tell it has something to do with the artist! Then i see him bringing up physically challenged people to the stage,,,,they lip sync to a few songs and people start giving them money.
Not to sound insensitive but that was a little bit depressing. How do i keep on drinking after that? To make matters worse he (MC) starts acting as though he has deformed lips and stretches his hands as well...,that was just wrong.
I don't usually leave liquor behind, but there was no way i was staying at that club any longer, that just ruined my rave morale and i sure as hell was not hitting any other club in Uganda.
I would later settle for shopping and eating Matoke with Chicken till i drop. Simply put the rest of my trip turned out great, i enjoyed every bit of it.I plan on posting a gazillion pictures on instagram through out this week! I could go on and on with the tiny details but a'l probably end up boring you guys. Plus writing a travel post is kinda hectic,,,
Xoxo everyone!